Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel is a Warm Space this winter

Golden Jubilee Hotel Exterior

The Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel is delighted to announce that they are taking part in the warm places initiative to support the local community.

The 4 star hotel, based in West Dunbartonshire, has signed up for the initiative to allow anyone in need of warmth and community to go to a dedicated warm space to share with others.

Denis Flanagan, Commercial and Logistics Director for the Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel commented: “As an NHS owned facility and a local employer, we felt it was the right thing to do to offer further support in any way we can.

“With the recent bitter cold temperatures, along with the well documented rise in energy bills, by giving people access to a warm place and a sense of community when they need it most, we can hopefully help those in need in our local area this holiday season.”

NHS Golden Jubilee staff have a track record of supporting West Dunbartonshire initiatives and charities. This year this has included staff from across the organisation have come together and generously donated over £430 to the West Dunbartonshire Community Foodshare.

Many staff have also been gathering donations and contributing gifts to the Glasgow Spirit of Christmas Campaign. This includes toys, books, toiletries, clothing and more, all of which will be gifted to children across the local community this Christmas.

Several gift donations have also been made to the Clyde 1 Mission Christmas for Cash for Kids, an initiative that helps children living in poverty celebrate Christmas with food, heating and small gifts.

Gordon James, Chief Executive of NHS Golden Jubilee, added: “At NHS Golden Jubilee, compassion is one of our values and we have a responsibility to look after not only our patients, staff and visitors, but also our local community.

“If taking part in the Warm Places initiative helps the health and wellbeing of just one person, then we have made a difference.”

For more information, or to find a Warm Space near you, please visit:

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